Why TP?

So glad you asked. You see, we here at Million Dollar TP are passionate. Passionate about many things. We’re passionate about things many people don’t spend much time thinking about. Until now. Now, it’s all any of us think about. And people are spending more than time on TP. Did you know that it costs about 12 cents to make a roll of toilet paper? That’s why it’s so profitable for us to sell it for one million dollars.

Let’s do the math.

Retail price of one roll of our toilet paper: $1,000,000

Actual cost of production: $0.12

Marketing*: $50,000

Administrative Overhead*: $100,000

*Rough estimates - per roll.

Total costs: $150,000.12

Total profits: $849,999.88

That’s why we do this.


-The Million Dollar TP Tribe

P.S. Got questions? Reach out.


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