No Rationing Here.
We have really great news:
We are NOT RATIONING any products on
You’re welcome.
Our inventory is in great shape. No shortages. Full shelves. So, buy as much as you need. Buy as much as you want. Buy as much as you can. Just be sure to buy.
Frankly — these are uncertain times.
Luckily — our business model is made for these uncertain times.
Honestly — we might not be here forever, especially if times become more certain.
So, now more than ever, is THE TIME to buy. A few months from now you don’t want to be living with the regret of missing your shot.
Don’t miss your chance to become part of the MillionDollar TP Movement.
Nothing lasts forever, least of all TP.
Uncertain times call for collective action. We’ve done our part, now it’s your turn to meet us half way.
Kisses forever,
TP Bae